Indore: Lasudia police station in-charge Santosh Dudhi said that a fight broke out between Komal Vishwakarma and his neighbours Satish Dubey, Rahul Dubey, Pushpa, Rohit, Sonu and Bablu Panchal over mortgaging of vehicle. Komal said that two months ago, he had mortgaged his vehicle for Rs 50,000 with Satish but had received only Rs 5000. He was asking for more money when Satish sent his vehicle to Kamli village in Datia. When he protested, accused asked him to bring the vehicle from Datia. Komal travelled for over 40 hours on the bike and brought the vehicle back.
The accused and accomplices attacked Komal, brother Ravi and Pinky with sticks and knives on Saturday night. TNN
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