* Mapping between EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L: A survey experiment on the validity of multi-instrument data
* Waiting to get a pension: The impact of pension eligibility on psychological distress
* The long-run effects of diagnosis related group payment on hospital lengths of stay in a publicly funded health care system: Evidence from 15 years of micro data
* Health insurance coverage and health outcomes among transgender adults in
* The macro-level effect of religiosity on health
* The effect of involuntary retirement on healthcare use
* The effect of beverage taxes on youth consumption and body mass index: Evidence from
* A nonlinear dynamic factor model of health and medical treatment
* The long-term effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on women’s physical and mental health
* The effect on dental care utilization from transitioning pediatric Medicaid beneficiaries to managed care
* Healthy, nudged, and wise: Experimental evidence on the role of information salience in reducing tobacco intake
* The impact of increasing the
* Age, morbidity, or something else? A residual approach using microdata to measure the impact of technological progress on health care expenditure
* Exploring physician agency under demand-side cost sharing–An experimental approach
* The effect of absolute versus relative temperature on health and the role of social care
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