MUMBAI: In yet another case of harassment by fraudsters impersonating as loan recovery agents, a 27-year-old Malad (East) resident was threatened with texts calling him a rapist along with his morphed pictures that were also shared with people in his contact list.
Victim Deepak Dubey had paid the loan sum of Rs 3,500 along with an interest of Rs 3,500 by June 30. However, on July 7, he received a call from the accused threatening to cirulate his morphed photos among his contacts. They claimed to have sacked the ‘agent’ to whom Dubey had paid the loan amount as he was a cheater, therefore, he will have to repay the loan. Soon, 35 people from his contact list received his morphed photos along with a text saying, “He is a rapist and has taken loans which he has failed to clear.”
“I had availed the loan on June 17, and had extended its payment date to June 30 as I was unable to arrange the money by June 23 after paying a fee. On June 30, I received a call from a recovery agent saying that I will be given Rs 600 discount if I clear the loan which I had already done. On July 7, the agents called again, and started abusing, and threatening me. Within 30 minutes, my morphed photos were circulated to my contacts,” Dubey informed.
A police officer from Kurar police station said, “A case has been registered under IPC sections for cheating, defamation, criminal intimation, and under the IT Act sections for impersonation and publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act. The cyber team is tracking loan apps – Shamal Credit and New Credit – from where Dubey availed the loans.” This is the seventh such case registered with Kurar police since May.
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